Sri Prashanth Udupa

Prashanth Udupa is a software programmer, entrepreneur, blogger and philosophy enthusiast. He founded a software company called VCreate Logic in 2005 in ran it successfully for 10 years, before moving on to other interests. During those 10 years, VCreate Logic offered product development, mentoring and consulting services for building 2D & 3D visualisation applications using C++, Qt and OpenGL. It grew from 2 people to 18 people, earning reputation and customers in India, United States of America, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Malaysia, Turkey and Australia. Today he offers independent consulting and spends more time with family, with reading philosophy, writing blogs, gardening and telling stories. He is married to Nandini, who was a software engineer at SAP Labs until she choose to be a full-time mother for their son Advay who is 6 years old now. Nandini & Prashanth partially home school their son Advay and are also a part of Aarohi Life Education community.

Prashanth believes in the rich knowledge of Indian scriptures, even though he is not personally well versed in it. As a supporter of TIIS, he is very enthusiastic about learning and constructing training offerings in this area.

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